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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a revolutionary chat application for chatting with friends and getting all the upgrades on friend's facebook account. It's free and easy to use.

Debut Video Capture

Debut Video Capture allows you to record video from a webcam, video capture device, streaming video, entire desktop or a portion of your screen and save it in any of a wide range of video file formats including AVI, FLV, and WMV. Adjust frame rates, brightness, and contrast and add text and captions to your video recordings. Optionally email movies automatically when recording is stopped or send via FTP. An extremely versatile video recording software program great for recording video of computer games, creating how to demonstrations and video messages, or to replace lost Web cam software.

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)

Just as in previous versions, Download Accelerator Plus 10 (free) boosts your download speeds by breaking files into smaller pieces, connecting to and downloading from multiple sources simultaneously, and even seeking out faster mirrors. What's different with this newest version, though, is the more streamlined engine that now offers features in the form of "add-ons." This means you can supplement your boosted download speeds (200 to 400 percent faster in many cases) with only the additional features that you want.
One of the most useful add-ons that you can enable in version 10 is DAPsters. If you download files from or similar sites, this feature will come in handy. Basically, it minimizes the annoying pages that usually precede downloads on those popular file-transfer sites and fast-tracks you to the CAPTCHA step (if there is one).
Another great add-on is the Link Checker, which identifies valid and invalid download links before you actually hit the download button. It shows a small icon next to valid links on download pages, so you don't have to waste time trying out all of the different download sources.
Other add-ons include a Media Preview, Zip Preview, Internet Browser, and Video Downloader & Converter. I didn't see an FTP client, though, which was available in previous versions. Also available is a SPEEDbit Video Accelerator, which is offered as a bundled download during setup. Not only that, DAP 10 serves up quite a few annoying pop-up messages encouraging you to download and install it. I tried this feature and was less than impressed. I didn't notice much of a boost, and found the Video Acceleration status window intrusive.
Overall, I found DAP 10 to be extremely adept at performing its core function of accelerating downloads. I noticed the boosts consistently. It's also nice that version 10 lets you customize your experience by adding on only the features that you want. This add-on platform also bodes well for the future, as SPEEDbit is openly asking developers to create new offerings for their program.

aTube Catcher

DsNet's aTube Catcher provides a simple tool for watching video from the Internet and converting existing video to another format. While this would be more than adequate for most uses, it also provides a neat feature.
The program's interface was a treat, breaking both its primary functions into a few simple, intuitive command icons. At no point did we feel the urge to go to the Help file for clarification. All you need to do is give aTube Catcher the URL of any online video, and the program will converted it into the file type of your choice. While this is a simple process, the conversion nevertheless took longer than we expected, several minutes for a relatively short four-minute video. Once converted, the video played flawlessly, and it retained all its original material. The program also takes existing video and converts it to another file type. This function was much faster, and it also retained all the specifications of the original. The program is relatively light on features, though it does provide templates for conversion so that, for example, iPod users don't have to know exactly what file type they need to watch a video. The program automatically chooses the proper configuration. We enjoyed aTube Catcher's simplicity and its excellent results.
This free program installs desktop icons without permission. While it could have downloaded faster, this slight negative was outweighed by its simple operation and impressive results. We recommend this program.